
Dungeons and Dragons...and my Wii

I might get more "loose" with posting on here from now on...so far I have been extremely inconsistent so I'm not sure how I'm going to continue, but I would like to post more.

Anyway, my thought of the day: (actually I've thought this a lot in the past) I absolutely love the entire idea of Dungeons and Dragons. I applaud those who play it, however nerdy they might be.

However, I myself do not play it. I tried in the past but it never got anywhere. The primary reason is that I do no know other people who want to play. The primary reason for that is: COMPUTER GAMES. You lose a lot of motivation for going through all the trouble of old school table top gaming when it can all be done for you on your monitor.

I may actually try to pursue playing with the few friends I have that might actually be interested, but they are all currently infatuated with the World of Warcraft...and the trading card game. I play that, but not nearly as avidly as they. I do not play the computer game currently.

Also...the days when I stood in line (unnecessarily) to procure my preordered Wii and the HOURS and HOURS of playing Sports and Zelda that ensued...are a tremendously pleasant memory now. I am still a proud owner of my Wii, but am dismayed by the drought of any good games for it. However I hearken back to the time when I bought my DS. At the time there was a terrible dearth of decent games for it for some time, but a year later a lot of goodies started coming out. Hopefully the Wii will be the same sitiation. (pronounced sih-tchee-ay-shun)


Bert and Ernie!

I'd just like to remark on the current Bert/Ernie threat level we are currently experiencing. Air travel is BERT. Everything else is ERNIE. Whatever the hell that means.

I think the Frylock/Master Shake one might be more appropriate, so I will now report both.


A Scanner Darkly

I might as well respond to that post also. I have since seen THAT film, though months later and on DVD. I enjoyed the film, though it wasn't quite what I expected. The animation did just what the creators intended; it bent the reality of the film so that you could suspend your disbelief at the appropriate times.

Anyway, make all the Keanu Reaves jokes you want, I still think he is a decent actor.

Ricky Bobby?

This is a poorly formed response to my older post on Ricky Bobby. Besides the fact that the movie site has stopped supporting the banner I used in that post, I have since actually seen the film. (This being many months later.)

Quite honestly, the movie was not as funny as I imagined it would be. At the same time, it was a lot better than I thought it would be. The exact reasons I can't really come up with at the moment, but personally I thought it was actually pretty original and different. The style of humor was a bit off from the mainstream, especially what you would expect from the likes of Will Farrel. If I spelled that correctly. Anyway its a bit worth a watch just because it does skewer the whole NASCAR thing fairly well and is different from all the other crappy comedy "cinema" lately.