Winston Churchill's parrot
This is awesome. I'd like to meet this parrot.
Attorney General Giuliani?
Washington is abuzz today with talk that Attorney General John Ashcroft will soon resign.
The conservative Ashcroft, a born-again Christian who has enraged the left, has suffered from pancreatitis and other health problems."
I personally think this would be pretty great, I think Giuliani is a good man, and would be better liked than Ashcroft.
A related article here. (SFgate.com)
Boeing 7E7 article
This is a great explanation and preview of the new Boeing airplane, which I think everyone should know about.
Google as Big Brother
This is very interesting reading, and all factual. I grudgingly started using google, mostly because of its clean interface, but still hope for something better to come along, because I just plain don't like how they do things, and this is why.
Apple - iMac G5
Indeed. A nifty looking computer, If I had scads of money I'd get one but I'll probably always have a PC.
Centrino trashes Itanium in brain measurement test
Pretty funny stuff. I love my laptop and its Centrinoness. Amazing how far we have come in the past few years.
Understanding Aviation
Understanding Aviation || kuro5hin.org: "There are those few uninformed that spread ill will about commercial aviation. As is the case in just about anything, people who have no understanding of something love to pick it apart. I'm sure we all know someone who refuses to fly. Their reasons most likely include 'I just don't feel safe on those things.' The fact is, really, that airline travel is exceedingly safe, and becoming ever safer.
I will try to explain exactly why this is. I'd also like to introduce general aviation, and relate what I know about the future of air travel. It is a sad fact that the general public knows very little about aviation, and yet has so much to say about it."